Hello SCR Associates,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!

Southern Classic Realtor wanted to share an update with everyone about some changes to the “Checklist” tab and a NEW added tab called “Action Plan”. SCR hopes these updates and changes will make each agent’s to-dos or tasks within every transaction easier and smoother. Please note that this adjustment will only appear on new created transactions and all previous transactions will stay the same.

Here are some of the few features and benefits that have been set active effective today…

As for the “Checklist” tab, SCR has removed all tasks that are realistically not a compliance matter. The “Checklist” tab will only have tasks that a broker will need to compliance a form or contract. This will cut down on the amount of time it takes an agent to check off additional tasks that aren’t important for a broker to review. Hopefully, this will make each agent’s job a little easier and faster to request and pass compliance review per transaction.

The new additional tab called “Action Plan”, will be set as a default to all new transactions created. This will create agent reminders (to-dos or tasks) that may or may not be applicated to a transaction. The reason for this is that GREC wants every broker to inform each agent for every transaction about a few issues or items. Since SCR isn’t a traditional brokerage where the agent comes into an office, this is where a broker will remind you about these matters. Please feel free to check off each to-do or task on the “Action Plan” or “Calendar” tab if you want to. These tasks are not mandatory for each agent but will be there for you as a reminder.

If you have any questions or feedback on these new updates and features, please reach out to Jason Hamby. Jason will also be hosting a TotalBrokerage Tech Training every Tuesday and Thursday at 11 AM. He will be addressing these new updates and features at a Microsoft Team Meeting. Each agent is welcome to join these meetings and the links will be posted in TB (Intranet > Message Board > Southern Classic Realtor – Tech Training Post).

SCR wants to extend our appreciation and thank you for being in business with us!


James D Hamby

President & CEO